Not Right

When I found smokey dead at first I thought she was attacked by a dog even though I didn’t see dite marks. No blood was present. A couple months back after I had my knee surgery a couple from across the street came over to introduce themselves and offered their help. It was greatly appreciatedContinue reading “Not Right”


Do you see yourself as a leader? I never viewed myself as a leader because I am one to believe in doing everything myself and not following anybody but not insisting on anybody following me. Independence is where you should be following nobody but Jesus Christ

Strange Question

Have you ever broken a bone? No But I just had surgery on my knee less than 2 weeks ago. Nine and a half years I suffered with a bone spur that penetrated my tendon and a knee cap every time I walked or bent my knee or anything like that. It took me gettingContinue reading “Strange Question”